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Physics 9 Chapter 1 - Physical Quantities and Measurements - 18
Where are the unknown masses placed in a physical balance?
a) Right pan
b) Left pan
c) Over the scale
d) On the beam
Which of the following is adjusted to level the platform of physical balance?
a) Beam
b) Lever
c) Levelling screws
d) Plumb line
Which of the following balance consists of a system of levers?
a) Physical balance
b) Lever balance
c) Electronic balance
d) Beam balance
The pointer is brought to zero by varying.................?
a) Standard masses
b) Unknown masses
c) Object masses
d) Known masses
In what ranges electronic balances come?
a) All are correct
b) Milligram ranges
c) Kilogramme ranges
d) Gram ranges
Before measuring the mass of a body, it is switched ON and its reading is set to.........................?
a) Begin poin
b) 1000 g
c) Zero
d) End point
What does the reading on the balance gives?
a) Length of the body
b) Diameter of the body
c) Mass of the body
d) None of these
What is the mass of a coin by measuring with beam balance?
a) 3.2 g
b) 3.2479 g
c) 3.247 g
d) 3.24 g
What is the least count of a sensitive beam balance?
a) 0.1 g
b) 0.01 g
c) 0.001 g
d) 1 g
What is the least count of a sensitive beam balance in milligrams?
a) 1000 mg
b) 10 mg
c) 100 mg
d) 1 mg
What is the mass of a coin by measuring with physical balance?
a) 3.247 g
b) 3.2479 g
c) 3.2 g
d) 3.24 g
What is the least count of a physical balance?
a) 0.01 g
b) 0.001 g
c) 0.1 g
d) 1 g
What is the least count of a physical balance in milligrams?
a) 100 mg
b) 1 mg
c) 1000 mg
d) 10 mg
What is the mass of a coin by measuring with electronic balance?
a) 3.247 g
b) 3.2 g
c) 3.24 g
d) 3.2479 g
What is the least count of an electronic balance?
a) 0.001 g
b) 0.01 g
c) 0.1 g
d) 1 g
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