Chapter 8 Work Power and Energy - Test 2

1. Chemical energy is needed to maintain the body temperature

1) False
2) True
2. Energy cannot be converted from one form to another

1) True
2) False
3. K.E= mgh

1) False
2) True
4. The energy stored in a clock is elastic potential energy

1) False
2) True
5. Some work is done when we ignite a match stick

1) True
2) False
6. What is the unit of work in system international

1) metre
2) Joule
3) watt
4) Newton
7. Cos 90o is eqwul to

1) 1
2) 0
3) -1
4) 2.3245
8. What will be the power of a machine doing 100 Joule work in 5 second.

1) 10 watt
2) 20 watt
3) 2 watt
4) 5 watt
9. What is unit of energy in system international.

1) watt
2) metre
3) kilogram
4) Joule
10. The energy of a body produced in it due to its position is called

1) Chemical energy
2) potential
3) kinetic energy
4) electric energy
11. The magnitude of work of a force 20 N pulling a stone through 4 m will be

1) 80 J
2) 90 J
3) 60 J
4) 20 J
12. Rate of doing work with respect to time is called

1) energy
2) power
3) Force
4) work
13. The energy for making body molecules is

1) Heat
2) chemical energy
3) Electrical energy
4) Mechanical Energy
14. For maintaining the body temperature we need

1) Electrical energy
2) Chemical
3) Mechanical energy
4) heat
15. The formula for finding kinetic energy is

1) 1/2 mv2
2) FS Coso
3) FXS
4) mgh
16. The ability of a body to do work is called

1) energy
2) potential energy
3) Heat
4) kinetic energy
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