The idea of matrices is given by? In order of matrices (m×n) m shows? In matrices, matrix A becomes = matrix B if and only if? A matrix is called row matrix if it has only one? A matrix is called column matrix if it has only one? A matrix M is called rectangular matrix if? A matrix is called square matrix if? Two matrices A and B are conformable for multiplication, giving product AB if? If A,B are two matrices and At,Btare their respective transpose then?
A matrix having only one column is called ________ matrice? A diagonal matrice having equal elements in its diagonal is called a __________ matrice? Inverse of a singular matrive is possible? In matrices, matrix A becomes = matrix B if and only if? A matrix is called row matrix if it has only one?
A matrix is called column matrix if it has only one?, A matrix N is called null or zero matrix if? If IAI = 0 then A is a ________ matrice? The idea of matrices is given by?