Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 8
Electro Chemistry
Test - 13

1. Non-metallic ions and hydroxide ions carry negative charge.

2. Define Degree of Ionization?

3. Non-electrolytes do not ionise because these are covalent compounds.

4. According to the modern theory, electrovalent compounds exist in covalent form even in the solid state.

5. Sodium is obtained by the electrolysis of fused----------.

6. According to Faraday's First Law Of Electrolysis the mass of an element, which is deposited on an electrode during electrolysis, is indirectly proportional to the quantity of electricity, Q, which passes through the electrolyte.

7. Faraday is he smaller unit of the quantity of electricity than Coulomb.

8. Coulomb is directly proportional to current.

9. Faraday's laws are very useful for the determination of electromechanical equivalents of different substances.

10. Anions are negative ions?

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