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Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 8
Electro Chemistry
Test - 1
Who invented the first electric battery of the world?
a) Alessandro Volta
b) Albert
c) Newton
d) Chalisle
When the first electric battery of the world was invented?
a) in 1810AD
b) in 1897AD
c) in 1890AD
d) in 1800AD
Who first split the matter into its components using electricity?
a) Chalisle
b) Nichloson
c) Nicholoson and Chalisle
d) Alessandro Volta
What was the first thing decomposed by passing electricity through it?
a) Nicholson and Chalisle composed water into hydrogen and oxygen
b) Nicholson and Chalisle decomposed water into hydrogen and oxygen
Define electrochemistry? Short..Answer…… .Heart…………….
The branch of chemistry in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy or electrical energy is converted into chemical energy is called electrochemistry.
a) The branch of chemistry in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy or electrical energy is converted into chemical energy is called electrometry.
b) The branch of chemistry in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy or electrical energy is converted into chemical energy is called electrochemistry.
What all we study in electrochemistry?
a) Chemical changes, which take place when electric current is passed through a particular type of material and chemical reactions, which produce electric current.
b) Chemical changes, which take place when electric current is passed through a particular type of material and chemical reactions, which produce electric charge
Why passage of electric current through copper wire is not electrochemistry?
a) Because no chemical action or change is taking place.
b) Because chemical action or change is taking place.
The vessel containing reacting substances is called a cell.
a) True
b) False
Define electrodes?
a) In electrochemistry water or graphite rods through which the electric current enters or leaves the cell are called electrodes.
b) In electrochemistry metallic plates or wires or graphite rods through which the electric current enters or leaves the cell are called electrodes.
In electrochemistry metallic plates or wires or graphite rods through which the electric current enters or leaves the cell are called:
a) Cathodes
b) Anodes
c) Electrodes
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