Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 7
Solution and Suspension
Test - 6

1. What is crystallization?

2. Why crystallization is a useful process?

3. All saturated solutions of compounds crystallize its solute, if cooled slowly without disturbance.

4. How super saturated solution can be made to crystallize?

5. What are the factors effecting the solubility?

6. When the chemical structure and the electrical properties of solute and solvent are similar the solubility will:

7. If there is dissimilarity in properties of solute and solvent, the solute will not dissolve or there will be less solubility.

8. Water being a polar compound is a good solvent for polar substances such as:

9. Water being a polar compound cannot dissolve non polar substances like________.

10. Different solutes have different solubility in a particular solvent.

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