Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 7
Solution and Suspension
Test - 2

1. Why gases are insoluble?............................ Because gas molecules being far apart have least attraction for each other. They develop weak attractive forces for solvent as well. That's why gases are ------- soluble.

2. Define Solubility?................. The amount of a solute in grams, which has been dissolved in ----------- of a solvent at a particular temperature to prepare a saturated solution.

3. How the solubility of gases can be increased?

4. Why solubility of gases increase due to pressure?

5. Solubility of gases increase due to pressure.

6. How a gas can readily dissolve in a liquid solvent at atmospheric pressure?

7. Define cohesive forces?

8. When the process of dissolution occurs? .................... When cohesive forces among solute molecules are weak appreciably and are overcome by new forces of attraction between solute and solvent -------.

9. What is meant by absorption of heat?

10. When the process of dissolution will take place by absorption of heat? .................. When the amount of energy needed to break the cohesive forces among solute molecules exceeds the energy -------- when new forces are wasted.

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