Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 7
Solution and Suspension
Test - 18

1. A solution which contains the amount of solute more than that required for preparing its saturated solution at a particular temperature is called a ______________ solution.

2. The amount of solute in grams, which can be dissolved in 100 gm of the solvent at a particular temperature to give a saturated solution is called a ____________.

3. The solution that contains 01 mole of solute in 1dm3 of solution is called_____________ solution

4. Molarity of a solution is the number of _______________ of solute present in 1dm3 of the solution

5. A solution whose concentration is known is called a ___________ solution

6. Ice cream contains 50% by volume of ____________.

7. Dissolution in water occurs due to hydration and __________ bonding

8. A solution in which solute particles are bigger than those present in a true solution and which can not be filtered is called _____________ solution

9. If 40 gms of NaCl solution contains 5gms of NaCl then the percentage of NaCl by mass will be ___________.

10. Sodium Chloride solution has 4% concentration by mass. It contains ___________ grams of sodium chloride

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