Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 7
Solution and Suspension
Test - 13

1. A solution in which one mole of a solute has been dissolved is called molar solution.

2. molar solution is represented as:

3. Molarity of a solution is the number of moles of solute present in 2dm3 of solution.

4. Particles of a solute from a True solution can be separated by filtration.

5. In a solution solute particles cannot be separated by filtration.

6. Solubility is a measure of one substance's ability to dissolve in a specific amount of another substance at standard temperature and pressure.

7. A super saturated solution can be made to crystallize cooling it slowly without disturbance.

8. A solution whose concentration is known is called:

9. Colloidal solution is a solution in which solute particles are bigger than those present in a True solution and which can be filtered.

10. Particles of a solute from a suspension cannot be separated by filtration.

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