Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 7
Solution and Suspension
Test - 11

1. In a solution solute particles are visible by naked eye.

2. Solution is a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together and uniformly dispersed, most commonly the result of dissolving a solid, fluid, or gas in a liquid.

3. A lesser substance dissolved in another substance is called a:

4. the process of dissolving a solute in solvent is called:

5. Gases develop weak attractive forces for solvent and are totally insoluble?

6. The extent to which one substance is able to dissolve in another is called solubility.

7. Cohesive force is a forces, which exist among the atoms of a substance.

8. The process of dissolution occurs When cohesive forces among solvent molecules are weak.

9. Water is a polar molecule?

10. Ions of solute surrounded by solvent molecules in a solution are called solvated ion.

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