Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 4
Periodicity of Elements and Periodic Table
Test - 27

1. What is an ion?

2. What is ionization energy?
Ionization energy means the least energy required to expel electron from the outer most shell of a gaseous atom to convert it into a positive ion. Ionization energy decreases gradually from top to bottom in a group and increases gradually from --------------- in a period.

3. What is ionization?

4. What is second ionization energy?

5. When an electron is gained by an atom the energy is ____?

6. Why first ionization energy gradually increases across a period.

7. All 109 Elements occur naturally.

8. All actinides are non-radioactive metal?

9. All Lanthanides do not resemble each other?

10. A graph between atomic volume and atomic mass was plotted by Newland.

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