Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 4
Periodicity of Elements and Periodic Table
Test - 25

1. S2, p5 (7 electron) in outer most shells means tendency to acquire
__________ more electron.

2. s2, p5 configuration in outermost shells means?

3. The physical and chemical properties of elements depend upon the size of their _______.

4. What is meant by catalyst?

5. why 2s1, 2f2 is a wrong statement?

6. why 2s3, 2p7 is a wrong statement? Short..Answer...............................................

7. Write the electronic configuration of its outermost shell of the element having 3 shells and 6 electrons in outer most shell.

8. Write the symbol, name and atomic number of element having 3 shells and 6 electrons in outer most shell.

9. What is meant by "all elements of group 1A have s1 configuration in their outer shells"?

10. What is nanometer (Nm)? Short..Answer............................................................

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