Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 1
Periodicity of Elements and Periodic Table
Test - 19

1. All actinides are radioactive metal?

2. All Lanthanides resemble each other?

3. All scientists arranged elements in ascending order of their masses?

4. Br (bromine) is in fourth period because it has __________ electronic shells.

5. Elements after uranium 92U with atomic number 93 onwards do not occur naturally.

6. Elements showing properties of both metals and non-metals are called __________.

7. First period of modern periodic table contains _________ elements.

8. In any period the atomic size gradually decreases from left to right.

9. In which group and period the element having 3 shells and 6 electrons in outer most shell, will be placed in the Modern Periodic Table?

10. Number of elements in the fourth period of the Modern Periodic Table is?

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