Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 2
Chemical combination and Chemical Equations
Test - 7

1. Which French scientist discarded worn out ideas and gave chemistry its right direction?

2. Name first law of chemistry and who established it?

3. Book of Lavoisier published in 1789 encouraged scientists to study the quantitative relationship between.........?

4. Lavoisier published his book in ________?

5. Who proved the law of definite proportions?

6. The ratio between the masses of elements of a compound can be varied?

7. During a chemical reaction some of the mass is destroyed.

8. The ratio between masses of Hydrogen and Oxygen in water will always be_______.

9. In sodium chloride (NaCl) The ratio of sodium and chlorine always remain 23 : 35.5 This proves?

10. The ratio of substances in a mixture will always remain constant?

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