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Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 1
Chemistry an Introduction Test - 9
Greek philosopher ______________ introduced the concept of four elements on earth.
a) Aristotle's
b) Empedocles
c) Lavosoir
d) Dalton
The elements introduced by Greek philosopher Empedocles were ?
a) air, fire, forest and water.
b) Clouds, fire, earth and water.
c) air, fire, earth and water.
d) air, fire, earth and rain.
According to Empedocles these four elements were not inter-convertible?
a) True
b) False
Aristotle also believed in Empedocles concept of four elements and that all matter was derived from these four basic elements?
a) True
b) False
Aristotle's also believed that these four elements were not inter-convertible?
a) True
b) False
Greek period was mostly the age of theoretical science.
a) False
b) True
Chemistry is basically a theoretical science?
a) True
b) False
With the advent of Islam, the world was introduced to a new ___________.
a) era
b) cocept
c) civilization
d) period
No civilization gave more importance to ___________ than Islam.
a) writing
b) reading
c) education
d) hardwork
Jabir-Bin-Haiyan is known as the_________ of chemistry.
a) founder
b) co founder
c) grand father
d) father
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