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Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 1
Chemistry an Introduction Test - 5
Classification of compounds into _____ groups by Alrazi is still valid to some extent.
a) 4
b) 6
c) 3
d) 5
Al Jahiz used the process of ________ for getting ammonia from animal urine.
a) chemical Reaction
b) distillation
c) heating
d) chemical Action
Abu-Mansoor differentiated ______ _______ from potassium carbonate.
a) arsenic oxide
b) sodium carbonate
c) cupric oxide
Abu-Mansoor was familiar with ?.
a) sodium carbonate, sodium and gold
b) arsenic oxide, sodium carbonate and antimony
c) sodium carbonate, sodium and antimony
d) arsenic oxide, cupric oxide and antimony
Abu-Mansoor knew the chemical composition of plaster of Paris and its use in________.
a) surgery
b) construction
c) woodworks
d) medecine
Abu-Rehan Muhammad Al-Beruni worked out eighteen precious stones and metals and determined their _______ gravity.
a) specific
b) weight
c) type
d) clour
Bu ali Sina was an expert of many scientific disciplines. He studied the properties of ________.
a) compounds
b) minerals
c) matter
d) atoms
In industrial chemistry Muslim industrialists scientifically developed the _____ industry.
a) iron
b) distilation
c) paper
d) casting
The Muslim used their knowledge of chemistry in tile making and preparing glass and ceramics. They also introduced new ________________.
a) shades of colours
b) Frames
c) Models
d) Design
The period of scientific advancements of the Muslims extend upto _____th century.
a) 17
b) 16
c) 19
d) 18
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