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Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 1
Chemistry an Introduction Test - 13
Why hypothes is formulated?
a) The information's obtained from keen observations are in the form of scattered facts. These scattered facts are arranged and a hypothesis is formulated so that these facts can be correlated with present and previous information
b) The information's obtained from keen observations are in the form of scattered facts. These scattered facts are arranged and a law is formulated so that these facts can be correlated with present and previous information
Which incident of life was responsible for the beginning of subject of chemistry?
a) Human being started their activities in chemistry when the process of burning was first discovered.
b) Human being started their activities in chemistry when the process of burning was first invented
What was Greek concept of elements?
a) Greek philosophers Empedocles introduced the concept of four elements on earth. These elements are fire, air, earth and water. According to him these elements were not inter convertible.
b) Greek philosophers Empedocles introduced the concept of four elements on earth. These elements are fire, air, earth and water. According to him these elements were inter convertible.
Group of chemists who believed in conversion of _______________ are called Al-chemists. They believed in converting the inferior metals into gold.
a) superior metals to more superior metals
b) inferior metals to superior metals
What facilities are provided by chemistry or Why knowledge of chemistry is useful?
a) Chemistry has played important role for well being of mankind in the form of food, clothing, shelter medical treatment, chemical fertilizers, crops protection by insecticides, refined food. Production of artificial fibers.
b) Chemistry has played important role for well being of mankind in the form of food, clothing, shelter medical treatment, chemical fertilizers, crops protection by actiniedes, refined food. Production of artificial fibers.
How chemistry is proved to be dangerous for our lives?
a) The smoke coming out from chimneys of chemical industries and vehicles pollutes the water. It is very dangerous do breath in that air.
b) The smoke coming out from chimneys of chemical industries and vehicles pollutes the air. It is very dangerous do breath in that air.
Define science?
a) Science is the study of knowledge, with the help of which, man gets information about himself and his environment and then tries to arrange and explain his knowledge. Science is divided into different disciplines, for example, chemistry, physics, biology, geology and astronomy.
b) Science is the study of knowledge, with the help of which, man gets information about himself and his environment and then tries to arrange and explain his knowledge. Science is divided into different disciplines, for example, english, urdu, literature, geology and astronomy.s
Why discipline of chemistry is divided into different sub-disciplines?
a) So that after getting basic knowledge of chemistry one can specialize in any disciplines.
b) So that after getting basic knowledge of chemistry one can specialize in all disciplines.
Study of which old civilizations indicates that these were familiar with the colours used in painting, glass making and other chemical arts?
a) Gandhara, Mesopotamian, Chinese and the Egyptians civilizations
b) Gandhara, Mesopotamian, Indians and the Americans civilizations
Why Chemistry could not make tangible progress during the Greek period?
a) Because Greek period was mostly the age of theoretical science and theories were practically proven.
b) Because Greek period was mostly the age of theoretical science and theories were practically not proven.
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