Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 1
Chemistry an Introduction Test - 12

1. The western scientists think that universe?

2. A hypothesis is tested by?

3. Inferences are deduced?

4. Why has science been divided into different disciplines? ..................................... ( Such questions are in fact Short Answer Questions. You are required to make a choice between a correct and a wrong short answer. There is a change of only one odd word. You should remember these by heart.)

5. What is meant by cyclic process?

6. Hypothesis is a _______ solution of a problem which may be correct or may prove to be wrong subsequently. Each hypothesis is formed through very keen observation of various scattered facts.

7. Differentiate between a law and a theory?

8. A law is a prior stage than theory.

9. A law is universally accepted and cannot be changed easily.

10. A theory cannot be changed easily even if it gives different results.

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