Chemistry - 9 Chapter - 1
Chemistry an Introduction Test - 10

1. Jabir-Bin-Haiyan was the student of______________.

2. Iman Jaafar Sadiq himself was a well-known __________ during his period.

3. Jabir-Bin-Haiyan modified the Greek concept of _________.

4. Who gave the concept of geological formation of metals?

5. Jabir-Bin-Haiyan refined the methods of extractions of metals from their ______ and preparation of steel.

6. Jabir-Bin-Haiyan discovered the method of preparing ________ using manganese dioxide and applied it to prevent rusting of iron.

7. Jabir-Bin-Haiyan developed________ industry and water proofing cloth.

8. Jabir-Bin-Haiyan prepared concentrated acetic acid by concentration of __________r.

9. Jabir-Bin-Haiyan developed the process of golden script writing with iron _________.

10. Jabir-Bin-Haiyan's major contribution in chemistry is the discovery of nitric acid and _________ acid.

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