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Chemistry 9 Chapter 1
Chemistry an Introduction Test - 1
The branch of science that deals with the composition and properties of matter is called:
a) Biology
b) Chemistry
c) Geology
d) Physics
The branch of chemistry that deals with the physical properties and physical behavior of material things is called:
a) Analytical Chemistry
b) Physical Chemistry
c) Organic Chemistry
d) Inorganic chemistry
The Chemist who believed that it was impossible to covert one metal into another metal was:
a) Abu Yousaf Yaqoob Al-Kundi
b) Al-Razi
c) Khalid Bin Yazeed
d) Al-Beruni
The chemist who gave the metallic concept of sulphur and mercury was:
a) Jabir Bin Haiyan
b) Abu Mansoor
c) Bu Ali-Sina
d) Al-Razi
Jabir Bin Haiyan was the student of:
a) Al Jahiz
b) Imam Jaafar Sadiq
c) Abu Rehman
d) Abu Yousaf
The term Alchemy was first introduced by:
a) Egyptians
b) Romans
c) Arabs
d) Greeks
Philogiston theory was given by:
a) Vont Hof
b) Al-Beruni
c) Faraday
d) Stahl
Energy changes during chemical reactions were studied by:
a) Gibbs
b) Jabir Bin Haiyan
c) Robert Boyle
d) Hess
The founder of modern chemistry is:
a) John Dalton
b) Gibbs
c) Robert Boyle
d) Aristotle
The century in which chemistry appeared as a unique subject is:
a) 17th Century
b) 18th Century
c) 19th century
d) 20th Century
A hypothesis is tested by:
a) Experiment
b) Observation
c) Discussion
d) Inference
The inference based on observed facts is called:
a) Law
b) Prediction
c) Fact
d) Theory
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