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Chemistry 9 Chapter 6 - Solutions -3
The only metal that is liquid at room temperature is?
a) Mercury
b) Copper
c) Zinc
d) Iron
Amalgam is the solution of any metal in?
a) Ghee
b) Zinc
c) Water
d) Murcury
Which one of the following amalgams is used to make dental filling?
a) None of these
b) Silver amalgam
c) Tin amalgam
d) Both of these
The solution of amalgam is?
a) Solid in liquid
b) Gas in liquid
c) Liquid in gas
d) Liquid in solid
The solution of smoke is?
a) Gas in solid
b) Solid in liquid
c) Gas in liquid
d) Solid in gas
Which one of the following is added to gold to make it harder?
a) Zinc
b) Sodium
c) Mercury
d) Copper
Addition of copper to gold is an example of?
a) Gaseous solution
b) Liquid solution
c) Solid solution
d) None
An Alloy is a ___ solution of various metals?
a) Gas
b) All of these
c) Liquid
d) Solid
Brass is an alloy of?
a) Copper and gold
b) Zinc and copper
c) Gold and iron
d) Zinc and gold
The solution of Ruby is?
a) Solid in gas
b) Liquid in gas
c) Solid in liquid
d) Solid in solid
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