The process in which food is obtained or prepared, absorbed and converted into body substances for growth and energy, is called nutrition. Nutrients are the elements and compounds that an organism obtains and uses for energy or for the synthesis of new materials. We know that autotrophic organisms obtain water, carbon dioxide and minerals from their environment and prepare their food which is then used for growth and energy. On the other hand heterotrophic organisms obtain their food from other organisms and use it for growth and energy. The process in which food is obtained, absorbed and converted into body substances for growth and energy is known as? Elements and compounds that an organisms obtain and uses for energy and for the synthesis of new materials are called as? Organisms which can prepare their own food are called as? Organisms that obtain their food from other organisms are called as? Systemized knowledge from observation and experiments is? The experiments in science are made to determine the principles of? What Man have to become in order to live? In history man …………between edible and non edible? The scientific method in which biological problems can be solved is?