Biology 9 Chapter 8 - Test 5

1. Discharging of surplus water by contractile vacuoles in paramecium is also called __________.

2. Paramecium posses ___________ nuclei.

3. Mega nucleus of paramecium regulate __________ activities.

4. Micronucleus in paramecium controls ________.

5. The animals of phylum porifera are generally called _________.

6. Sponges have no organs or ________ tissues.

7. Green colour of sponge is due to _________ that live in their body.

8. Sponges may live signally or may form branched _________.

9. _________ animals cannot move and remain attached to stone and rocks.

10. Sycon is an example of marine _________.

11. Sycon has a skeleton made up of _________.

12. In glass sponges skeleton is ________ due to which it looks very shiny.

13. Coelentrates having a special cavity in their body is called _________.

14. Coelentrates are ________ animals having their body two layers of cells.

15. A gelatinous material present between two layers in the body of coclentrates is called ________.

16. Tentacles are provided with many ________ cells which act as organs of defence and ofence.

17. Hydra captures prey by ________ it with stinging cells.

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