Biology 9 Chapter 5 - Test 4

1. CladophoraMatch The Items........

2. Match The Items........ Pediasterm

3. Match The Items........ Mutualist

4. Match The Items........ Parasites

5. Match The Items........ Saprophytes

6. Match The Items........ Autotrophs

7. Important characteristic of thallophytes is that their reproductive organs are _____________.

8. A _________ is a plant body not differentiated into root, stem and leaves.

9. Algae are ___________ thallophytes.

10. ___________ and mushrooms are both called fungi.

11. Fungi are simple eukaryotes with _______ mode of nutrition and cell wall made up of chitin.

12. Bread mold is ___________ fungi.

13. A group of hyphae is called __________.

14. Multinucleated, non septate hyphae are called ___________.

15. One of the examples of mutuaists fungi is ___________ fungi found in association with plant roots.

16. ___________ is an exampleof imperfect fungi.

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