Biology 9 Chapter 5 - Test 1

1. Fungi and algae are embryophytes.

2. Plant body of algae is well differentiated into root, stem and leaves.

3. Fungi, algae and Amoeba are all placed in the same kingdom.

4. Parasitic fungi obtain food from dead organic bodies.

5. Mushrooms and Rhizopus are mutualistic fungi.

6. Fungi lack chlorophyll and cannot prepare their own food, are hence called autotrophic thallophytes.

7. All plants other than fungi and algae are placed in sub kingdom embryophyta.

8. Cell wall in fungi is made of chitin and in algae is of cellulose.

9. Saprotrophs secrete out many digestive enzymes on the living bodies to obtain food.

10. Mycorrhiza fungi found in association with roots of plants are mutualists.

11. Morels are examples of basidiomycetes.

12. Imperfect fungi reproduces both sexually and asexually.

13. Rhizoidal hyphae in Rhizopus, penetrate the substrate and help in absorption of digested food.

14. Toadstools are edible mushrooms.

15. In Agaricus, spores are produced on the gills.

16. Consumption of food contaminated with Aspergillus is not harmful at all.

17. Athletes foot in humans is caused by Puccinia.

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