Biology 9 Chapter 10 - Test 1

1. Unsaturated fats are solid at room temperature.

2. Cellulose is an example of polysaccharide.

3. Fats contain less carbon hydrogen as compared to oxygen

4. If the amount of carbon dioxided in the atmosphere increases, the rate of photosynthesis is also increased.

5. Photosynthesis cannot take place in low light.

6. If the temperature is raised above 40oC, the rate of photosynthesis continues to increase.

7. Stomata are more numerous on the upper side of the leaf.

8. Stomata open during day time when there is light and photosynthesis is taking place.

9. In some plants, a layer of cuticle is present outside the epidermal layer, which increases the rate of transpiration.

10. Oxygen gas released as a by-product during photosynthesis is used by animals for respiration.

11. Indiscriminate use of inorganic fertilizers can disturb the balance of mineral ions in the soil.

12. Inorganic fertilizers help to replace the mineral ions lost by successive production of crops.

13. Unsaturated fats lead to rise in the cholesterol level.

14. Proteins are required for making enzymes, hormones and antibodies.

15. The innermost part of the tooth is made up of soft connective tissue and is called dentine.

16. Bacteria living in the gut of ruminants, digest cellulose and convert it into fatty acids.

17. Neottia and Monotropare are the example of insectivorous plants.

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