Math 12 Chapter 2
Test - 8

Math Class 12
1. When y = f(x), y is called the independent variable

2. If limdt®0 S (t + dt) - S(t) / dt exists, is called the instantaneous rate of change of distance with respect to "t".

3. The notation f'(x) for derivative of y = f(x) was introduced by Newton.

4. The derivative of y = sinp w.r.t. x is cosp.

5. d / dx [1/g(x)] = -g'(x) / [g(x)]2 is known as reciprocal law.

6. d/dx (c.f(x)) = c. f '(x).

7. The derivative of (Öx+2) (Öx-2) is 1.

8. d/dx (1/x) = 1

9. d/dx [(x+a)/(x-a)] = 1/(x-a)2

10. The equation of tangent line of the curve y = x2 + 1 at x = 1 is y = 2x.

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