Math 12 Chapter 2
Test - 1

Math Class 12
1. In the expression φ(θ) = θ2 + 1/ θ, θis ______________________variable.

2. The Leibnitz symbol for the derivative of y w.r.t. x is _________________

3. d/dx [cos h (3x)] is ____________________

Math Class 12
4. The derivative of 2tanx is ____________________

5. If y = tan-1 2x then dy/dx = __________________

Math Class 12
6. If x = t3 and y = 1 + t2 then dy/dx is _____________________________

7. __________________ is the derivative of sin2 2x.

Math Class 12
8. The derivative of 1/Öx is ______________________

Math Class 12
9. If limδx®0 f (x + δx) - f(x) / δx exists then f(x) is said to be _______________

10. The second derivative of e2x is ______________________

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