Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 8
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Test 7

Chemistry Class 12
1.    As an artificial ripening of fruits gas used is?

Chemistry Class 12
2.    The hindrance rotation about the double bonds in 2-butene gives two?

Chemistry Class 12
3.    Methyl free radical involves?

Chemistry Class 12
4.    The reactivity in ethylene is due to?

Chemistry Class 12
5.    The hybridization on tertiary carbon atom in isobutene is?

Chemistry Class 12
6.    Alkanes containing one branch of main chain are known as?

Chemistry Class 12
7.    When petroleum is heated firstly it converted into?

Chemistry Class 12
8.    Methane reacts with oxygen at 100 atm.and 300oc in presence of Cu to give?

Chemistry Class 12
9.    Which is the most stable alkene in these?

Chemistry Class 12
10.    The bonds presents in ethyne are in order of?

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