Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 8
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Test 6

Chemistry Class 12
1.    The reaction of alcoholic KOH on ethyle chloride gives?

Chemistry Class 12
2.    Impure acetylene has garlic type smell due to?

Chemistry Class 12
3.    Which method can be used to prepare alkane , alkene and alkyne?

Chemistry Class 12
4. On heating CH3COOH with soda lime the gas evolved is?

Chemistry Class 12
5.    Molecule is which the distance between the adjacent carbon atoms is larger is?

Chemistry Class 12
6.    The most volite alkane is?

Chemistry Class 12
7.    Amonical silver nitrate reacts with acetylene to form?

Chemistry Class 12
8.    Propye and propene can be distinguished by?

Chemistry Class 12
9.    Most of hydrocarbons are obtained by petroleum by?

Chemistry Class 12
10. Acetylene and ethylene react with alk.KMnO­4 to give?
Chemistry Class 12

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