Aliphatic Hydrocarbons - 12

Chemistry Class 12
1. The order of reactivity of halogens in halogenation of alkanes is I222 2.

2.    In a sigma bond the electrons are held very tightly between nuclei, which makes it very stable bond.

3.    In 1903 International Union of Chemistry gave a modified report, which is also referred as Liege Rules.

4. Alkyne when reduced by sodium metal dissolved in liquid NH3 leads to the formation of a cis alkene.

5. Alkenes undergo electrophilic addition reaction due to presence of weak `Ùbond.

6.    Alkenes aon Ozonolysis forms molozonide and ozonide which are stable compounds.

7. Quality of polythene can be improved by using Pb(C2H5)4 as catalyst.

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