Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 6
Transition Elements
Test 9

Chemistry Class 12
1.    The central atom with legand is?

Chemistry Class 12
2.    In complex compound oxidation state is written in?

3.    Geometry of complex compounds depends upon?

Chemistry Class 12
4. For sp3d2 hybridization ,the expected geometry will be?

Chemistry Class 12
5.    Which is the following is the typical transition element?

Chemistry Class 12
6.    Any process of chemical decay of metal due to action of surrounding material is?

Chemistry Class 12
7.    When an active metal like Al come in contact with less active metal like Cu, then it produces?

Chemistry Class 12
8.    Bessemer’s converter furnace is used in?

Chemistry Class 12
9.    In open hearth Si, Mn ,C ,S are converted into their oxides at temperature?

Chemistry Class 12
10.    When impurities are P and S furnace is lined with?
Chemistry Class 12

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