Chapter 3
Group 3A and Group 4A elements
Test - 2

Chemistry Class 12
1. Borax (Na2B4O7) reacts with Hcl and H2So4 to form ______________.

Chemistry Class 12
2.    Cupric bonates are __________ in colour.

Chemistry Class 12
3. Al2O3 layer is very useful and its thicunen is purposely increased in industry by an electrolytic process called _________.

Chemistry Class 12
4. ZrS104 is chemical formula of ______________.

Chemistry Class 12
5.    Opal is hydra lied form of ______________. Solution of ___________ is used in chemical formula of Asbestos is __________.

Chemistry Class 12
6.    Solution of ___________ is use din chemical garden for solubility of coloured salts.

Chemistry Class 12
7.    The chemical formula of Asbestos in ___________.

Chemistry Class 12
8.    Germanium, selenium and silicon are used as ___________ conductors.

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