Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 13
Carboxylic Acids
Test 7

Chemistry Class 12
1.    As compared to pod no. of carbon atom of carboxylic acid, the melting points of even carbon atom are?

Chemistry Class 12
2.    Glysine is named so because it has?

3. Which of the following isomerism is not shown by NH2-CH2-CH2-COOH?

Chemistry Class 12
4.    Which acid is present in lemon juice?

Chemistry Class 12
5.    The organic acid that can be made from ethanol is?

6.    Carboxylic acid reacts with ammonia to form ammonium salt which is produced on heating?

Chemistry Class 12
7.    Which of the following is not basic amino acid?

Chemistry Class 12
8.    Which acid is used in the manufacturing of synthetic rubber?

Chemistry Class 12
9.    The organic acid that has not COOH group is?

Chemistry Class 12
10.    The test used for the identification of amino acid is?
Chemistry Class 12

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