The elements of IIA group are called? The elements of IA and IIA groups are? s- block elements form ionic compound and show oxidation state? Rock salt is the mineral of? Artificially prepared metal is? Mineral of magnesium is? Mineral of barium is? Stable complex compounds are formed by? The only alkali formed by direct reaction is? Due to high reactivity, the alkali metals occur in __________ state in nature? Rock salt (Halite) is the most abundant mineral of ____________? Lithium reacts with nitrogen to form ___________ unlike other alkali metals?
Melting and boiling point of Beryllium are ________________ than other alkaline earth metals? Due to the presence of _____________ ion, ionic hydrides of alkali metals are used as powerful reducing agent? Alkaline earth metals lose their two electrons to form dipositive ions M++? Soils containing sufficient calcium are slightly acidic in nature? A suspension of calcium hydroxide is called milk of lime? Anhydrous calcium sulphate is called “Dead Burnt”? The basic character of alkali metal oxide decreases down the group? ,Solubility of sulphates of alkaline earth metals decreases down the group?
In limited supply of oxygen, sodium reacts with it forming peroxide? Beryllium is hard as iron and hard enough to scratch glass? Alkali metal whose carbonate is relatively less stable and decomposes giving its oxide is? In Nelson’s Cell method for the preparation of NaOH, at cathode? The only alkaline earth metal which on reaction with oxygen at 500-600oCforms peroxide is? Alkali metal which explodes spontaneously when comes in contact with air or oxygen is?