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Chapter 27 - Man and his Environment - 3
Eutrophication of a lake occurs as a result of:
a) Pesticide run off
b) Acid rain
c) Biological magnification
d) Nutrient overload
Which of the following statement about ozone depletion is not correct:
a) Ozone is the upper atmosphere is beneficial because it absorbs infrared radiation.
b) CFC’s are found in some air conditioning system
c) At ground level ozone is a pollutant
d) An ozone hole was discovered over Antarctica
A chemical, which kills the weed in a crop is known as:
a) Pesticide
b) Insecticide
c) Herbicide
d) Germicide
Hydroelectric power is the electric power generated by the energy of:
a) Dam water
b) Flowing water
c) River water
d) Falling water
Mental illness
a) Population explosion
b) Scurvy
c) Burning of fossil fuel
d) Alzheimer
Oxide of Nitrogen
a) Population explosion
b) Scurvy
c) Burning of fossil fuel
d) Alzheimer
Disease prevention medicine and food hygiene
a) Burning of fossil fuel
b) Population explosion
c) Alzheimer
d) Scurvy
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