Chapter 22 - Variation and Genetics -3

Biology Class 12
1. Deuteranopia is _______ blindness:

Biology Class 12
2. Tongue rolling ability in humans is due to a single _______ gene:

Biology Class 12
3. Melanocyte failure in cat causes both phenotypes white fur and _______:

Biology Class 12
4. If a man of M blood group marries a woman of N blood group all their children will have.

Biology Class 12
5. DNA stores all sorts of biological information coded in the sequence of its bases in a ______ order:

Biology Class 12
6. When two independent events are occurring simultaneously like in Dihybrid cross the ratio of each joint phenotypic combination can be obtained by multiplying the probabilities of individual phenotypes. It is called _______:

Biology Class 12
7. Gene

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