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Biology 12 Chapter - 20 Reproduction - 3
Which cells are present between seminiferous tubules?
a) Follicle cells
b) Germline cells
c) Blood cells
d) Interstitial cells
Which hormone is produced by interstitial cells?
a) Follicle stimulating hormone
b) Luteinizing hormone
c) Aldosterone
d) Testosterone
Which one is male sex hormone?
a) Aldosterone
b) Testosterone
c) FSH
d) LH
What does head of epididymis called?
a) Cauda epididymis
b) Caput epididymis
c) Corpus epididymis
d) None of the above
What does body of epididymis called?
a) Caput epididymis
b) Corpus epididymis
c) Cauda epididymis
d) None of the above
What does tail of epididymis called?
a) Corpus epididymis
b) None of the above
c) Caput epididymis
d) Cauda epididymis
Testis are present outside the abdomen because………….?
a) Spermatogenesis is efficient at 37^o!
b) Spermatogenesis is efficient at 2 degrees higher than
c) Spermatogenesis is efficient at 35^o!
d) All of the above
Seminiferous tubules combined to form 10-20 tubules called………..?
a) Ductus deferens
b) Seminal vesicle
c) Epididymis
d) Vasa efferentia
What is the uncoiled length of epididymis?
a) 6m
b) 16m
c) 5m
d) 4m
What are the functions of epididymis?
a) All of the above
b) To store sperm temporarily
c) To nourish sperm
d) To enable the sperm to swim
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