Biology 12 Chapter 19 Behaviour - 1

Biology Class 12
1.    Which of the following animals are most active during the day light?

Biology Class 12
2.    Which of the following animals are most active during the night?

Biology Class 12
3.    Which of the following animals are most active during the night?

Biology Class 12
4.    Which of the following animals are most active during the night?

Biology Class 12
5.    Which of the following animals are most active during the night?

Biology Class 12
6.    Which of the following is a diurnal animal?

Biology Class 12
7.    Which of the following are nocturnal animals?

Biology Class 12
8.    Which of the following are diurnal animals?

Biology Class 12
9.    Which of the following is a nocturnal animal?

Biology Class 12
10.    Which of the following is a nocturnal animal?

Biology Class 12
11.    Which of the following is a nocturnal animal?

Biology Class 12
12.    Why owl is called a nocturnal animal?

Biology Class 12
13.    Why pigs are called nocturnal animals?

Biology Class 12
14.    Which of the following is a diurnal animal?

Biology Class 12
15.    Why bat is called a nocturnal animal?

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