Biology 12 Chapter 19 Behaviour - 38

Biology Class 12
1.    What happens to drone that do not mate?

Biology Class 12
2.    When do workers throw out the drones that do not mate?

Biology Class 12
3.    With which chemical, the queen controls the bees?

Biology Class 12
4.    Pheromone renders.......bees sterile?

Biology Class 12
5.    How many queen cells are made by worker?

Biology Class 12
6.    What is the feature that makes Aplysia so attractive for neurobiologists?

Biology Class 12
7.    Cell body of one neuron measure up diameter?

Biology Class 12
8.    What is the feature that makes Aplysia so attractive for neurobiologists?

Biology Class 12
9.    The responses of an organism to signals from its environment are it’s...................?

Biology Class 12
10.    A form of learning in which a young animal forms a strong attachment to a moving object within a few hours of birth is..........?

Biology Class 12
11.    In an insect society, such as honey bee society........?

Biology Class 12
12.    Working out a mathematics problem is an example of.................?

Biology Class 12
13.    An animal learns to ignore a repeated, irrelevant stimulus. This behaviour is..........?

Biology Class 12
14.    The benefits of territoriality include................?

Biology Class 12
15.    The round dance of the bee..........?

Biology Class 12
16.    When Drosophila were exposed to a particular odour and electric shock at the same time, they started to avoid the odour. This is an example of?

Biology Class 12
17.    What is Aplysia californica?

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