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Biology 12 Chapter 19 Behaviour - 17
What are reflexes called that are triggered by small disturbances?
a) Startle reflexes
b) Escape reflexes
c) Spawning
d) Fixed action pattern
What are reflexes called that are triggered by large disturbances?
a) Escape reflexes
b) Startle reflexes
c) Spawning
d) Fixed action pattern
What are unlearned fixed action patterns of responses to certain kinds of stimuli called?
a) Instincts
b) Taxes
c) Tropisms
d) Reflexes
What are inherited fixed action patterns of responses to certain kinds of stimuli called?
a) Instincts
b) Taxes
c) Tropisms
d) Reflexes
What are unlearned fixed action patterns of reactions to certain kinds of stimuli called?
a) Instincts
b) Taxes
c) Tropisms
d) Reflexes
What are inherited fixed action patterns of reactions to certain kinds of stimuli called?
a) Instincts
b) Taxes
c) Tropisms
d) Reflexes
nstinct refers to ............behaviour?
a) Both b and d
b) Innate
c) Taxis
d) Inborn
Instinct refers to ............behaviour?
a) Genetically programmed
b) Artificially programmed
c) Both of these
d) None of these
Which of the following is also called fixed action pattern?
a) Instincts
b) Taxes
c) Tropisms
d) Reflexes
The ...........body participates in instincts behaviour?
a) Entire body
b) No participation
c) Half body
d) Quarter body
Which of the following is an example of instinct behaviour?
a) Migration of salmon
b) Contraction of pupil
c) Blinking of eye
d) Withdrawal of hand from something hot
Which of the following is an instinct behaviour?
a) Dancing of bees
b) Contraction of pupil
c) Blinking of eye
d) Withdrawal of hand from something hot
Which of the following is an example of instinct behaviour?
a) Construction of hanging nest by birds
b) Contraction of pupil
c) Blinking of eye
d) Withdrawal of hand from something hot
Which of the following is an example of instinct behaviour?
a) Construction of intricate web by spider
b) Contraction of pupil
c) Blinking of eye
d) Withdrawal of hand from something hot
What is instinct also called?
a) Fixed action pattern
b) Taxes
c) Reflex
d) Tropism
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