Biology 12 Chapter 18 Chemical Coordination - 38

Biology Class 12
1.    The pancreas decreases its output of glycogen in response to..........?

Biology Class 12
2.    The pancreas increases its output of insulin in response to..........?

Biology Class 12
3.    The pancreas increases its output of glycogen in response to..........?

Biology Class 12
4.    Which cells release glucagon when blood glucose level becomes too low?

Biology Class 12
5.    Which hormone lowers blood glucose level?

Biology Class 12
6.    Steroid hormones are secreted by........?

Biology Class 12
7.    Which of the following controls the activity of all others?

Biology Class 12
8.    Which of the following have opposing effects?

Biology Class 12
9.    Which of the following have opposing effects?

Biology Class 12
10.    Which of the following have opposing effects?

Biology Class 12
11.    Which hormone lowers blood glucose level to normal?

Biology Class 12
12.    Which hormone has broadest range of targets?

Biology Class 12
13.    Which hormone highs the blood glucose level to normal?

Biology Class 12
14.    Which hormone lowers blood glucose level by making cell surface membranes more permeable to glucose?

Biology Class 12
15.    Which hormone activates transport proteins in the membranes?

Biology Class 12
16.    Which hormone allows glucose to pass into the cells

Biology Class 12
17.    Which hormone activates the enzymes inside the cells

Biology Class 12
18.    Which of the following is converted to glycogen, by enzymes (produced by insuli?

Biology Class 12
19.    Into which of the following, glucose is converted, by enzymes (produced by insuli?

Biology Class 12
20.    Which hormone fits into the receptor sites on the cell surface membranes?

Biology Class 12
21.    Which hormone activates the enzymes inside the cells?

Biology Class 12
22.    Which of the following is converted to glucose, by enzymes (produced by glucago?

Biology Class 12
23.    Into which of the following, glycogen is converted, by enzymes (produced by glucago?

Biology Class 12
24.    Which feedback mechanism controls blood glucose?

Biology Class 12
25.    What is controlled by negative-feedback?

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