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Biology 12 Chapter 18 Chemical Coordination -37
In which feedback mechanism, an end product speeds up its production?
a) Implication- feedback
b) Negative- feedback
c) Positive- feedback
d) Neutral- feedback
What is the effect in the speed of an end product in positive feedback?
a) Production is decelerated
b) No production
c) Production is speed up
d) Production is retarded
Childbirth is an example of which feedback mechanism?
a) Negative- feedback
b) Positive- feedback
c) Implication- feedback
d) Neutral- feedback
Which gland is stimulated by brain to secrete oxytocin?
a) Placenta
b) Adrenal gland
c) Pituitary gland
d) Gonads
Which of the following stimulates pituitary gland to secrete oxytocin?
a) Bones
b) Beta cells
c) Alpha cells
d) Brain
High blood glucose level is detected by insulin-secreting cells of...............?
a) Bones
b) Brain
c) Thyroid gland
d) Pancreas
Low blood glucose level is detected by glycogen-secreting cells of...............?
a) Pancreas
b) Bones
c) Thyroid gland
d) Brain
By which cells of pancreas, high blood glucose level is detected?
a) Glycogen-secreting cells
b) Protein-secreting cells
c) Glucose-secreting cells
d) Insulin-secreting cells
By which cells of pancreas, low blood glucose level is detected?
a) Insulin-secreting cells
b) Glycogen-secreting cells
c) Protein-secreting cells
d) Glucose-secreting cells
Which of the following respond to the extension by signalling the hypothalamus?
a) Stretch coordinators in the cervix
b) Stretch-receptive neurons in the placenta
c) Stretch coordinators in the placenta
d) Stretch-receptive neurons in the cervix
Which hormone is released when hypothalamus is signalled by stretch-receptive neurons?
a) Cholecystokinin
b) Gastrin
c) Somatotrophin
d) Oxytocin
In which feedback mechanism, an endocrine gland is sensitive?
a) Negative- feedback
b) Positive- feedback
c) Implication- feedback
d) Neutral- feedback
When blood glucose level becomes too high, where are beta cells present?
a) Hypothalamus
b) Parathyroid gland
c) Islets of Langerhans
d) Thyroid gland
Which hormone is released by beta cells when blood glucose level becomes too high?
a) Glucagon
b) Somatotrophin
c) Cholecystokinin
d) Insulin
When blood glucose level becomes too high, where are alpha cells present?
a) Thyroid gland
b) Islets of Langerhans
c) Hypothalamus
d) Parathyroid gland
Which hormone is released by alpha cells when blood glucose level becomes too loo?
a) Cholecystokinin
b) Insulin
c) Glucagon
d) Somatotrophin
When beta cells release insulin?
a) If blood pressure becomes too high
b) If blood glucose level becomes too low
c) If blood glucose level becomes too high
d) If blood pressure becomes too low
When alpha cells release glucagon?
a) If blood glucose level becomes too high
b) If blood pressure becomes too low
c) If blood pressure becomes too high
d) If blood glucose level becomes too low
Which cells release insulin when blood glucose level becomes too high
a) Gamma cells
b) Beta cells
c) Alpha cells
d) All of these
The pancreas decreases its output of insulin in response to..........?
a) Changing cycle of dark and light
b) An increase in body temperature
c) An increase in blood glucose
d) A decrease in blood glucose
This is more feedback!
This is the feedback!