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Biology 12 Chapter 18 Chemical Coordination - 31
Which of the following releases progesterone during pregnancy?
a) Corpus luteum
b) Placenta
c) Adrenal cortex
d) Adrenal medulla
Which hormone inhibits further FSH secretion from pituitary?
a) Testosterone
b) Progesterone
c) Estrogen
d) Aldosterone
Which hormone prevents any more follicles from ripening?
a) Progesterone
b) Aldosterone
c) Testosterone
d) Estrogen
Which of the following is inhibited by progesterone?
b) FSH secretion
c) LH secretion
d) HL secretion
Which hormone causes further thickening of the uterus walls?
a) Progesterone
b) Testosterone
c) Aldosterone
d) Estrogen
Which hormone causes further valscularisation of the uterus walls
a) Aldosterone
b) Progesterone
c) Testosterone
d) Estrogen
Why is uterus walls thickened by progesterone?
a) To mature sexually
b) To mantain state of pregnancy
c) For sterility
d) For abnormal growth
Which hormone suppresses ovulation?
a) Testosterone
b) Progesterone
c) Estrogen
d) Aldosterone
Under secretion of which hormone decreases the chance of pregnancy?
a) Estrogen
b) Aldosterone
c) Progesterone
d) Testosterone
What does the under secretion of progesterone during menstrual cycle may cause?
a) Decreases the chance of pregnancy
b) Increases the chance of pregnancy
c) Bone weakness
d) May cause late menstruation
What does the under secretion of progesterone during menstrual cycle may cause?
a) May cause late menstruation
b) Increases the chance of pregnancy
c) May cause early menstruation
d) Bone weakness
When does under secretion of progesterone may cause early menstruation?
a) During pregnancy
b) During addison’s disease
c) None of these
d) During menstrual cycle
When does under secretion of progesterone may decrease the chance of pregnancy?
a) During addison’s disease
b) During menstrual cycle
c) During pregnancy
d) None of these
What does the under secretion of progesterone during pregnancy may cause?
a) Bone weakness
b) May cause late menstruation
c) Increases the chance of pregnancy
d) Miscarriage
What does the under secretion of progesterone during pregnancy may cause?
a) May cause late menstruation
b) Bone weakness
c) Increases the chance of pregnancy
d) Abortion of pregnancy
When does under secretion of progesterone may cause miscarriage?
a) During menstrual cycle
b) During addison’s disease
c) During pregnancy
d) None of these
When does under secretion of progesterone may cause abortion of pregnancy?
a) During pregnancy
b) None of these
c) During addison’s disease
d) During menstrual cycle
What are male gonads called?
a) Parathyroxin
b) Thyroid gland
c) Ovaries
d) Testes
What are testes?
a) Female gonads
b) Femal placenta
c) Male placenta
d) Male gonads
Which of the following produces sperm?
a) Thyroid gland
b) Testes
c) Ovaries
d) Placenta
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