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Biology 12 Chapter 18 Chemical Coordination - 2
What are hormones?
a) Small soluble organic chemicals
b) Highly soluble organic chemicals
c) Small soluble inorganic chemicals
d) Highly soluble inorganic chemicals
Which of the following works as chemical messenger that transports a signal from one cell to another?
a) Hormones
b) FSH
c) Amino acid
d) Proteins
What is hormone called?
a) Chemical messenger
b) FSH
c) Steroid peptides
d) Somatostatin
Where is the effect of hormone present?
a) Where effectors are present
b) Where coordinators are present
c) Where stimuli are present
d) Where receptors are present
What is the site called where specific receptors are present?
a) Target
b) Amine
c) Peptide
d) FSH
How many are the types of hormones?
a) Five
b) Four
c) Two
d) Three
What are the basic types of hormones?
a) Steroids, Amino acids, ACSH
b) STH, Amino acids, Proteins
c) Steroids, Amino acids, Proteins
d) Steroids, ADH, Proteins
What are the basic types of hormones?
a) Steroids, ADH, Proteins
b) Steroids, Amino acids, Polypeptides
c) STH, Amino acids, Proteins
d) Steroids, Amino acids, ACSH
What are the basic types of hormones?
a) Steroids, Amino acids, Prostanglandins
b) Steroids, Amino acids, ACSH
c) Steroids, ADH, Proteins
d) STH, Amino acids, Proteins
Which of the following are the derivatives of cholesterol?
a) Amino acids
b) Steroids
c) Proteins
d) Polypeptides
What are steroids?
a) FSH
b) Amines
c) Proteins
d) Hormones
What are amino acids?
a) Chemicals
b) FSH
c) Neurons
d) Hormones
What are proteins?
a) Chemicals
b) Hormones
c) FSH
d) Neurons
What are polypeptides?
a) Neurons
b) Chemicals
c) Hormones
d) FSH
What are prostanglandins?
a) FSH
b) Neurons
c) Chemicals
d) Fatty acids
What are prostanglandins?
a) Hormones
b) Chemicals
c) Neurons
d) FSH
Which of the following are fatty acids?
a) Proteins
b) Steroids
c) Polypeptides
d) Prostanglandins
By which of the following, steroidal hormones are secreted?
a) Amino acid tyrosine
b) Thyroid glands
c) Glucagon
d) Adrenal cortex
By which of the following, steroidal hormones are secreted?
a) Amino acid tyrosine
b) Glucagon
c) Ovaries
d) Thyroid glands
By which of the following, steroidal hormones are secreted?
a) Thyroid glands
b) Glucagon
c) Testes
d) Amino acid tyrosine
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