Biology 12 Chapter 18 Chemical Coordination - 19

Biology Class 12
1.    Which disease is caused due to over secretion of tetra iodothyronin?

Biology Class 12
2.    Which disease is caused due to excess of tri iodothyronin?

Biology Class 12
3.    Which disease is caused due to excess of tetra iodothyronin?

Biology Class 12
4.    Which disease is caused due to excess of calcitonin?

Biology Class 12
5.    What are the symptoms of Grave’s disease?

Biology Class 12
6.    What are the symptoms of Grave’s disease?

Biology Class 12
7.    What are the symptoms of Grave’s disease?

Biology Class 12
8.    What is exophthalmia?

Biology Class 12
9.    What is the main cause of exophthalmia?

Biology Class 12
10.    What is the classical symptom of hyperthyroidism?

Biology Class 12
11.    Which hormones are released from kidney?

Biology Class 12
12.    Which hormones are released from kidney?

Biology Class 12
13.    Which hormones are released from kidney?

Biology Class 12
14.    Which hormone monitors blood pressure and takes corrective action if it drops?

Biology Class 12
15.    Which hormone acts on the bone marrow to increase the production of RBCs?

Biology Class 12
16.    Which hormone acts on the bone marrow to increase the production of RBCs?

Biology Class 12
17.    Which hormone is released due to bleeding?

Biology Class 12
18.    Which hormone is released due to bleeding?

Biology Class 12
19.    Which hormone is released when moving to high altitudes?

Biology Class 12
20.    Which hormone is released when moving to high altitudes?

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