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Biology 12 Chapter 15 Homeostasis - 13
Why does kidney secrete erythropoietin?
a) To regulate blood pressure.
b) To control RBCs formation.
c) To enhance urine formation.
d) To control respiration.
Why does kidney secrete renin?
a) To control RBCs formation.
b) To control respiration.
c) To enhance urine formation.
d) To regulate blood pressure.
Which enzyme is secreted by kidney?
a) Thyroxin.
b) Renin.
c) Erythropoietin.
d) TSH.
UTI stands for?
a) Urinary Tract Infections.
b) Ultra-Thyroxin Infection.
c) Urban Tax Ignorance.
d) United Technology Institute.
What is the length of urethra in females?
a) 1.5 inches.
b) Unknown.
c) 8 inches.
d) 5.4 inches.
What is the length of urethra in males?
a) 1.5 inches.
b) 8 inches.
c) 5.4 inches.
d) Unknown.
What is the infection of urethra called?
a) Urethritis.
b) Pyelonephritis.
c) Cystitis.
d) Bronchitis.
What is the infection of bladder in human body called? Cystitis.+
a) Bronchitis.
b) Urethritis.
c) Pyelonephritis.
What is the infection of kidney called?.
a) Urethritis.
b) Cystitis.
c) Pyelonephritis.
d) Bronchitis.
Which one causes urethritis?
a) Viruses.
b) Antibiotics.
c) Vaccines.
d) Bacteria.
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