Biology 12 Chapter 14 Respiration - 16

Biology Class 12
1.    In which respiratory tract, trachea is present?

Biology Class 12
2.    Which of the following is present in lower respiratory tract?

Biology Class 12
3.    In which respiratory tract, bronchi is present?

Biology Class 12
4.    Which of the following is present in lower respiratory tract?

Biology Class 12
5.    In which respiratory tract, lungs are present?

Biology Class 12
6.    Which of the following is present in lower respiratory tract?

Biology Class 12
7.    Which of the following is present in lower respiratory tract?

Biology Class 12
8.    Which of the following is present in lower respiratory tract?

Biology Class 12
9.    Which of the following is present in lower respiratory tract?

Biology Class 12
10.    In which respiratory tract, alveoli are present?

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