Physics Class 11 - Chapter 9
Physical Optics
Test - 2

Physics Class 11
1.    An objects that emits its own light is called?

Physics Class 11
2.    In double slit experiment, we observe?

Physics Class 11
3.    Newton’s rings are particle study of?

Physics Class 11
4.    According to Einstein, light travels from one place to another in the form of?

Physics Class 11
5.    Which is not optically active?

Physics Class 11
6.    Light reaches the earth from sun in nearly?

Physics Class 11
7.    Photoelectric effect was given by?

Physics Class 11
8.    When light incident normally on thin film, the path difference depends upon?

Physics Class 11
9.    Which one of the following properties of light does not change with the nature of the medium?

Physics Class 11
10.    Optical active crystals rotates the?

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