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Physics Class 11 - Chapter 7
OscillationsTest - 1
\Motion in which a body moves to and fro about a fixed position along some path?
a) Rotator motion
b) Vibratory motion
c) Oscillatory motion
d) All of these
Maximum distance from mean position is known as?
a) Frequency
b) Time period
c) Amplitude
d) Wavelength
If spring is cut in to two pieces then spring constant of each part is?
a) Doubled
b) Remain same
c) Constant
d) May be or not change
In one complete vibration a body covers a distance equal to?
a) times of amplitude
b) 3 times of amplitude
c) 4 times of amplitude
d) Remain same
In a spring constant system velocity at mean position is?
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Constant
d) Variable
Motion of projection of a body moving in a circle on diameter with constant speed is?
a) Vibratory
b) S.H.M
c) Oscillatory
d) All of these
Simple pendulum is invented by?
a) Galileo
b) Newton
c) Newland
d) None of these
The time period of simple pendulum is independent of?
a) Mass
b) Amplitude
c) Both of these
d) None of these
Which one is the type of simple pendulum?
a) Simple pendulum
b) Compound pendulum
c) Physical pendulum
d) All of these
A second pendulum has frequency?
a) 1Hz
b) 0.5 Hz
c) .25 Hz
d) 0.1 Hz 0.2
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